Follow the instructions below to update your payment method on your Earring Club Subscription within the Customer Portal. If you have any questions, please email or call 480-793-2919 for assistance.

Request Login Link

Request a password-less login link to be emailed to the email address associated with your subscription

Update Payment Details

Find the "Payment Details" section in your customer portal and click "Update"

Confirm Payment Update

When prompted, click "Confirm" to receive a payment update email confirmation. Open the email and follow the instructions to add a payment method.

Change Primary Payment Method

To ensure your new payment method is set as the primary payment method, go back to "Payment Details" and click "Change" and make sure the new payment method is selected.

Set Primary Payment Method

Make sure the correct Payment Method is selected, and then check "Apply this payment method to all subscriptions" and then click "Save"

Retry Failed Order

Once you have updated your subscription Payment Method, go back to the Customer Portal and click "Order Now" to retry your failed payment with the updated payment method.